The Brighton Dome, Old Court room, University of Brighton
28TH JUNE 2016
Day 1 Introductory Video
Audio of the Conference Opening
Introductions by Tracy Bhamra (Chair of the Design Research Society), Debra Humphris (Vice-Chancellor of the University of Brighton), and Peter Lloyd (General Chair of the DRS2016 Conference).
Audio of the First Debate: (Speculative) Futures in Design REsearch
The first debate of DRS2016 was chaired by Cameron Tonkinwise and featured Ramia Maze, Richard Coyne, and Veronica Ranner.
→ Further details about the first debate (opens in a new window)
Day 1 Gallery

Any of the above photos are free to use with credit to DRS2016 and Pete Jones Photography. Participants wishing to get high resolution copies of any of the photos in this gallery or would like their names added in tags or titles should contact us at