Design for Tangible, Embedded and Networked Technologies
From nano to macro: material inspiration within ubiquitous computing research
Isabel Paiva
New University of Lisbon
Keywords: Computing, Design, Research, Interdisciplinary, Future, Materials
Technological disruption grants continuous inspiration for design innovation. In particular, current paper focuses on the emergent interaction between the fields of ubiquitous computing (U.C.) and design. The interdisciplinary character of U.C. research requires knowledge from art, design, and architecture (A.D.A.) and as such, presents opportunity for cross-fertilization and future design. Within U.C., the inquiry labelled as material turn frames a particular dialogue between nanotechnology and traditional materials. Nanotechnology opened new material avenues and has impacted methodologies of design and drives the discussion throughout this paper. In addition, the way these new technologies might address human centred design approach are considered. In sum, this paper discusses routes for disciplinary displacements of A.D.A. suggesting that these have a positive impact in the future of the practice.
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Cite this paper: Paiva, I. (2016). From nano to macro: Material inspiration within ubiquitous computing research. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme