Design for Design: The Influence and Legacy of John Heskett









Design as Driver for Understanding Sustainability and Creating Value in the Fur Industry

Irene Alma Lønne, Else Skjold

The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark; Design School Kolding, Denmark

Keywords: Transformation economy, Sustainability, Value Creation, Heskett


This paper examines the value of design in business seen through the example of the Danish company Kopenhagen Fur. Design School Kolding (DK) has during 2014 and 2015 conducted a design research project and study with focus on sustainability as a key parameter in the company’s future use of design on different levels. In order to propose a new frame for understanding the company’s value creation we draw upon Heskett’s models (2003) and his explanation of the relationship between economic theories and design (2008). To explain the relationship between design and sustainability we further elaborate towards theories connected to the transformation economy (Gardien 2014) and explain how Kopenhagen Fur’s potential for including design and sustainability throughout their entire value chain aligns with the present understanding in the fashion and textile industry.

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Cite this paper: Lønne, I.A., Skjold, E. (2016). Design as Driver for Understanding Sustainability and Creating Value in the Fur Industry . Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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