Food and Eating Design
Designing for sustainability: a dialogue-based approach to the design of food packaging experiences
Zoi Stergiadou, Jenny Darzentas, Spyros Bofylatos
University of the Aegean (3)
Keywords: packaging, food design, design for sustainability, design dialogue
Packaging plays a vital role in making products competitive and our lives vibrant and interesting. This paper investigates the design process of food packaging as an artifact that aims to co-create meaning entwined with the values of sustainability through designing propositional artifacts. These are artifacts that embody issues of concern and can help us reflect on their implications. A case study is presented where the aim of communication-through-packaging was to disseminate the values of sustainability in various ways, by informing and motivating consumers to change their buying habits, encourage packaging reuse or upcycling, and embrace authenticity, quality and locality in food products. More specifically case study details the development of a packaging artifact for butter beans from a unique, protected region in Greece. The tools guiding the design process were a framework of information abstraction along with Information Design guidelines. The ‘dialogue based’ approach refers to the co-evolution of meaning.
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Cite this paper: Stergiadou, Z., Darzentas, J., Bofylatos, S. (2016). Designing for Sustainability: a dialogue-based approach to the design of food packaging experiences. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme