Sustainable Design









A sociotechnical framework for the design of collaborative services: diagnosis and conceptualisation

Joon Sang Baek, Sojung Kim, Yoonee Pahk

School of Design and Human Engineering, UNIST, South Korea

Keywords: sociotechnical systems, service design, sustainability, social innovation


This study was motivated by the finding that there is a lack of design knowledge in the area of systems design of collaborative services. This study introduces a framework for developing service design strategies to foster collaborative communities and support social innovation. Based on the sociotechnical systems design, the framework allows designers to conceive the strategies, which belong to the domain of technical system, with an understanding of the social system of an organisation. It aims to achieve a seamless interaction between the social and technical systems of a community, leading to increased impact of social innovations. Social network analysis was used to understand social relations, and a co-design workshop to generate design strategies to foster them. For validation, the framework was applied to a community enterprise in South Korea. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the framework and concludes with its broad implications to the design of socially sustainable services.

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Cite this paper: Baek, J.S., Kim, S., Pahk, Y. (2016) A Sociotechnical Framework For the Design of Collaborative Services: Diagnosis and Conceptualisation. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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