Design and Translation









Rules of Thumb: An Experiment in Contextual Transposition

Damon Taylor, Monika Büscher, Lesley Murray, Chris Speed and Theodore Zamenopoulos

University of Brighton, Lancaster University, University of Brighton, Edinburgh College of Art, The Open University

Keywords: mobilities, social futures, design, contextual transposition


This paper describes an experiment in ‘contextual transposition’, a mobile, inventive method developed from conversations between the authors during an interdisciplinary research ‘sprint’, where our interests in alternative mobilities and ‘designing’ socially just futures generated productive creative friction. The idea of ‘hitching a ride’ in automobility systems was mobilised and we embarked on a journey of ‘contextual transposition’. Could one hitchhike in other contexts? To explore this question, we designed an experiment. In this paper we describe it and discuss how we have used contextual transposition as a method for design research. 

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Cite this paper: Taylor, D., Büscher, M., Murray, L. Speed, C. and Zamenopoulos, T. (2016). Rules of Thumb: An Experiment in Contextual Transposition. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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