Design for Tangible, Embedded and Networked Technologies
Making Service Design in a Digital Business
aPiia Rytilahti, Simo Rontti, Titta Jylkäs, Mira Alhonsuo, Hanna-Riina Vuontisjärvi, Laura Laivamaa
University of Lapland (6)
Keywords: Service Design, Digital Economy, Participatory Tools, Pragmatism
Digital businesses involve multiple stakeholders, each with their own distinct sets of values. In addition to the business value of the global digital ecosystem, a complex web of socio-cultural human values has emerged from digital development. In this research paper, this ecosystem is examined in a Finnish context, through business-led research and development consortia (Nee d for Speed, N4S). The aim of the paper is to present insights into a more socio-culturally sensitive research framework for a digital service development through three experiments using participatory and co-design tools: a stakeholder mapping tool, a value network mapping tool and a design game. The experiments follow the framework of three approaches to making the co-designs (i.e., probes, toolkits and prototyping) presented by Sanders and Stappers (2014). The theoretical framework is pragmatic, developing the process holistically through trial and error or, as a pragmatist would say, through the experience of disruption and crisis. (Kilpinen 2012).
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Cite this paper: Rytilahti, P., Rontti, S., Jylkäs, T., Alhonsuo, M., Vuontisjärvi, H-R., Laivamaa, L. (2016). Making Service Design in a Digital Business. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme