Design Education and Learning









Project Contribution of Junior Designers: EXploring the what and the how of Values in Collaborative Practice 

Lennart Kaland, Annelijn Vernooij, Lenny van Onselen

TU Delft (2), The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Keywords: exchanging values; personal values; collaborative stakeholders; junior designers; value models


This research investigates the extensive explored field of personal values: what do they mean for junior designers, are they exchangeable with other persons, and what will be exchanged? The paper contains an explorative grounded theory methodology on the exchange of personal values between stakeholders and junior designers during projects. Five interviews with junior designers gave insight in collaboration and interaction with stakeholders, and value exchanges by the junior designer within a project. The authors present two conceptual models: one for personal stakeholder mapping, and one for exchanging personal values. The first model enables junior designers to position stakeholders relatively to their personal capabilities and professional capabilities. The second model shows the value- exchange between the junior designer and his client, his employer and his personal contacts. Both models may help to add perception to personal values and an insight in the exchangeable values between stakeholders. 

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Cite this paper: Kaland, L., Vernooij, A., van Onselen, L.(2016). Project Contribution of Junior Designers: Values in Collaborative Practice. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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