Aesthetic Pleasure in Design









Most Advanced yet Acceptable: A case of referential form-driven meaning innovation 

Seong gun Lee,  James Self, Ekaterina Andrietc

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (3)

Keywords: Meaning Innovation, Form Aesthetic, Product Characteristics


Adopting a research-through-design approach we report a study to examine how radical departures from archetypal product form influence product meaning. We then consider implications for product acceptability. To achieve this we employ form theory to drive the design of three conceptual products. The three concepts were then prototyped and used as stimuli to gather participant responses to radical departures in product form from a dominant archetype. Results indicated the necessity of balance between typicality and novelty of form to achieve more acceptable meaning innovations. Specifically, results showed a requirement for maintaining inherent archetypal form characteristics and qualities, while at the same time providing opportunities for meaning change through radically novel form compositions, axis and balance. This approach to form-driven meaning change we tentatively term Referential Form-driven Meaning Innovation (RFMI). Implications for the application of the RFMI approach both in practice 

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Cite this paper: Lee, S., Self, J. and Andrietc, E. (2016). Most Advanced yet Acceptable: A case of referential form-driven meaning innovation. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.

This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme

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